Friday 18 April 2014




Editor's Note..

The youth parliament is extremely jubilant for the budding writers of doodlers. We appreciate their efforts to make diverse articles and expect the same forever. The recent climactic episode in the Youth parliament is the inauguration of the “y-Talks” .  Why “y-Talks” ??? We realized the hesitation among the technocrats in speaking their minds and decided to help them with a stage that crowns the most rudimentary  as well as the most hi-fi  ideas. This realization culminated in the chiseling of the forum “Y-talks”. Till date, two diverse “Y-talks” shows have been executed successfully. The first show was a blend of technical and psychological sharing of minds. The lead one of yp T.Gokul Sidarth gave a fab talk on his project theme. Then our faculty advisor Mr.Mohan Kumar ruminated the experiences of his life  aptly titled as “Cultural shock”  just to prep the listeners walk stages of life with bravery. Then the lead two Lalitha Paramaeswaran told us an aspiring story about accepting people for what they are and excavate happiness in life. Also, Nivas bharathi of final mechanical glimpsed his college life. The second show was an emotional package where Yogesh balaji of second ICE shared the story of hard-ships faced by  a family and aspired everyone to follow the trend-setters of our family. Aakash .N.C of third mechanical too shared a similar story of a family. Thus Y-talks is gearing up force from the beautiful contributions of our dearest champs. We cordially welcome all of you to present your views in “Y-talks”! Confirm  your schedule for speaking to any one of the Yp members. Also post your comments on “Doodlers” at our blogspot   “” and mail your articles to!

2nd B.Tech IT


A month long stay with my nephew who is barely three and a half years old has made me write this. With his twinkling eyes and a cheeky smile he mesmerizes you by posing unanswerable questions. You stand awestruck, dumbfounded and what not? It actually takes a few seconds to come out of this.
His father is a north Indian and mother from the south. So he speaks “TAMHINGLISH” which is a beautiful blend of tamil, hindi and English. He uses sentences like “chalo hum pesenge” meaning “come on let’s talk”. People familiar with all the three languages will surely appreciate the blend.
Following are two out of the many instances where he has made us speechless: One late evening, there was no supply and it was very dark we had gathered enjoying a nice chat. This kid came up all of a sudden, gazed at the sky and asked “How is it that the stars are glowing without electricity?”  . All of us busy with our discussions all the while suddenly turned over to him in awe.
At this age mastering the poem twinkle twinkle little star used to be a great task for us and this little boy had already begun wondering the reason behind the twinkle! Believe me, it was only after he put forth such a question, I took the efforts to learn the principle behind glowing of stars.
One fine morning we cousins took up the task of helping this child master the names of different animals and their kids. He mastered those easily and quite quickly too. We asked him questions one by one and he answered most of them correctly. We were satisfied and ready to wind up the session. This boy then came up with a query which none of us could answer! He asked “what is the kid of an ant called?” and there we were left again with our mouths open looking at each other’s face. On surfing the net we found the answer to be “antling”.
Only when ants bite us or make merry on our favorite sweet kept on the table we take out few seconds to curse them. We never even think of ants otherwise forget “kids of ants”.
Thus I would like to bring out that kids ease us and bring a smile onto our faces no matter however stressed we are. Also I would like to throw some light on today’s scenario, while travelling in trains we often come across situations where a family of four (parents and two kids) travel together. What we observe is that the father is busy working on his laptop, mother in her own world reading a novel and the elder kid enjoying songs on an i-pod. Now left all alone is this kid aged barely 4 or 5?
On witnessing such a scene lately we spent the entire travel playing with the kid who was left aloof by his family. It was such an enjoyable experience that we almost failed to realize that our destination had arrived. We took our baggage to get down when the mother of the kid spoke up for the first time, she said “Sorry that our son bored you all this while, chatting continuously”. The reply that she got from my uncle which I guess would have at least had some impact on her was “Not at all. At least try experiencing it once I bet it would give more joy than the book, laptop or an i-pod”.
So a sincere request to the working parents of today is spend quality time with little ones at home and this will not only make them happy but give you happiness too. 

 -Lalitha Paramaeswaran

Final eee


Birds fly for shelter. Animals move for breeding. Fishes swim to expand their muscles.It gets more interesting when it comes to humans. Because they have learnt how to live. Those are just foolish thoughts. Yogis and explorers travelled in the mid age for more knowledge. But youths of now have started to travel more often to explore the world in many ways especially in their own ways. It’s true; humans don’t travel more often until it was a vacation including the author myself.It is the middle aged guys who travel during vacation. And that’s not travelling that’s enjoying the time with some passing clouds.We should admit that youths have broken the record of vascodagama. Speaking of which they travel for small pleasure. It may be a fact of waste of time for the middle aged men as they pretend to be genius holding a white collared job in a dumb. But I see the bird’s faith to survive, in the youths who wish to travel. Vascodagama said world is small. They show us how small the world is and added meaning for the word small. You can build your survival instincts only on the experience you gain from your travelling and not through the episodes of some geographical channel. It becomes a hobby for those like to leave the cage. Youths of today travel to accumulate with nearby culture. It is the adaptability that youth trying to find within them. That is the field where one may find patients, will, acceptance and ability to fight back. Indiangovernment has given more opportunities for those who travel. Youth hostel association of India, an initiate of Indian ministry of youth affairs has been sheltering youths like us for the past 2 years. For those who really like travelling through India should know about this. This is a nonprofit hostelling society that focuses on the people who one only wishes to travel (alone). I got the chance to stay in one of the hostel. I felt myself within my mom’s care for the day.It’s like you taking care of yourself because that’s how i used to be in my home with my mom. We can’t compare the hospitality of a hotel to this hostel. You may feel difficult that dormentry is for unisex unlike Canada but they are planning to provide it very soon with the neutral gender.This may be initiated by the government of India but it was lead by the group of youths like us. They have started many events for us like mountain bike ride, trekking, camping, swimming and lot more. They give first importance for those who wish to travel. Swami vivekantha didn’t get opportunities like this. If he had got anything like this I am sure he would have reached all over the world. At some point world will get to know you whether you know the whole world are not.
One of the best examples of travelling youths is bikers. Bikers gang  havestarted to increase in our society. They will flood like water everywhere. They bike only for particular reason one to bike then to stop for food and morning calls. They feel as if they have started to swim in water without any backward push of water. Travelling  would be like sun moving free in space without any obstacles,giving shining rays to everywhere it falls and creating new pattern of colors. This way of seeing and understanding things gives our imagination and dream a narrow path. For those parents who object their children from travelling the world,this is the time for us to take the world to the next level. If you stop us now you may not see the future in us. This obstacle you give us is the obstacle to self-learning. We may not be Ekalvya but we are trying to understand the difficulty of being in Ekalvya. We are asking you to guide us not to work beside us. When I sey these words I feel my papa sitting for my maths homework beside me and teaching me how to do maths. There were a lot of sweep and hurdles with my maths. I wonder why there was school and teacher. Support youth hosteling and I suppose they are not that bad for my home.

Final EEE

Indian Army....

The Indian Army is the land-based branch and the largest component of the Indian Armed Forces.The President of India serves as the de-jure Commander-in-Chief of  the army while the de-facto leadership lies with the Minister of defense,and it is commanded by the Chief of Army Staff(COAS), who is a four-star general. Two officers have been conferred the rank of Field marshal,a five-star ranked general,which is a ceremonial position of great honour. The Indian Army originated from the armies of the East India Company, which eventually became the British Indian Army and finally the national army after  independence. The units and regiments of the Indian Army have diverse histories and have participated in a number of battles and campaigns across the world, earning a large number of battle and theatre honors before and after independence.
The primary mission of the Indian Army is to ensure national security and unity,defending the nation from external aggression and threats,and maintaining  peace and security within its borders. It conducts humanitarian rescue operations during natural calamities and other disturbances, like Operation Surya Hope, and can also be requisitioned by the government to cope with internal threats. It is a major component of national power alongside the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force.The army has been involved in four wars with neighbouring Pakistan and one with China.Other major operations undertaken by the army include Operation Vijay, Operation Meghdoot and Operation Cactus.Apart from conflicts,the army has conducted large peace time exercises like operation Brasstacks and Exercise Shoorveer, and it has also been an active participant in numerous United Nations peacekeeping missions including the ones in Cyprus, Lebanon, Congo, Angola, Cambodia, Vietnam,Namibia, El  Salvador, Liberia, Mozambique and Somalia.
The Indian Army has a regimental system,but is operationally and geographically divided into seven commands, with the basic field formation being a division. It is a professional force and comprises more then 80% of the country’s active defence personnel. It is one of the largest standing armies in the world,with 1,129,990 active troops and 960,000 reserve troops. The as Futuristic Infantry Soldier As a System(F-INSAS) , and is also upgreading and acquiring new assets for ots armoured, artillery and aviation branches.
- J.Gokul kumar
1st ECE

 CALL OF DUTY-2013!!

Why don't you do something useful instead of wasting your time. This refrain has been heard by students from time immemorial. And the usual reaction is to ignore that and feels that elders don't understand us!

lets put some sense into this. We are matured enough to think and enact. Yes we do need to have fun but never let enjoyment overtake our sense of purpose. Do something for your country as a responsible citizen, shoulder the responsibility as a good child for you parents or just do something useful for your well being.

      "Pull up your socks , tighten your belts"
  We the future pillars of the great nation,holds up the responsibility to make our nation reach the zenith.
   Start  shouldering responsibilities from now ,here comes the much awaited election encourage the youth to vote .
Bring about a change in democracy

Encourage and practice using indian products. Protect our motherland. Keep her image always at peak.




I wish that every Englishman will see this appeal and give thoughtful attention
to it.
Let me introduce myself to you. In my humble opinion, no Indian has cooperated
with the British Government more than I have for an unbroken period
of twenty-nine years of public life in the face of circumstances that might well
have turned any other man into a rebel. I ask you to believe me when I tell you
that my co-operation was not based on the fear of the punishments provided by
your laws or any other selfish motives. It was free and voluntary co-operation
based on the belief that the sum total of the activity of the British Government
was for the benefit of India. I put my life in peril four times for the sake of the
Empire,—at the time of the Boer war when I was in charge of the Ambulance
corps whose work was mentioned in General Buller's dispatches, at the time of
the Zulu revolt in Natal when I was in charge of a similar corps, at the time of
the commencement of the late War when I raised an Ambulance corps and as a
result of strenuous training had a severe attack of pleurisy, and lastly, in
fulfillment of my promise to Lord Chelmsford at the War Conference in Delhi, I
threw myself in such an active recruiting campaign in Kaira District involving
long and trying marches, that I had an attack of dysentery, which proved
almost fatal. I did all this in the full belief that acts such as mine must gain for
my country an equal status in the Empire. So late as last December I pleaded
hard for a trustful cooperation. I fully believed that Mr Lloyd George would
redeem his promise to the Mussalmans and that the revelations of the official
atrocities in the Punjab would secure full reparation for the Punjabis. But the
treachery of Mr Lloyd George and its appreciation by you, and the condonation
of the Punjab atrocities have completely shattered my faith in the good
intentions of the Government and the nation which is supporting it.
But though my faith in your good intentions is gone, I recognize your bravery,
and I know that what you will not yield to justice and reason, you will gladly
yield to bravery.
See What This Empire Means to India:
Exploitation of India's resources for the benefits of Great Britain,
an ever-increasing military expenditure, and a civil service the most expensive
in the world,
extravagant working of every department in utter disregard of India's poverty,

disarmament and consequent emasculation of a whole nation lest an armed
nation might imperil the lives of a handful of you in our midst,
traffic in intoxicating liquors and drugs for ' the purpose of sustaining a topheavy
progressively repressive legislation in order to suppress an ever-growing
agitation seeking to give expression to a nation's agony,
degrading treatment of Indians residing in your dominions and
you have shown total disregard of our feelings by glorifying the Punjab
administration and flouting the Mussalman sentiment.
I know you would not mind if we could fight and wrest the sceptre from your
hands. You know that we are powerless to do that, for you have ensured our
incapacity to fight in open and honourable battle. Bravery on the battlefield is
thus impossible for us. Bravery of the soul still remains open to us. I know you
will respond to that also. I am engaged in evoking that bravery. Non-cooperation
means nothing less than training in self-sacrifice. Why should we cooperate
with you when we know that by your administration of this great
country we are being daily enslaved in an increasing degree? This response of
the people to my appeal is not due to my personality. I would like you to
dismiss me, and for that matter the Ali Brothers too, from your consideration.
My personality will fail to evoke any response to anti-Muslim cry if I were
foolish enough to raise it, as the magic name of the Ali Brothers would fail to
inspire the Mussalmans with enthusiasm if they were madly to raise an anti-
Hindu cry. People flock in their thousands to listen to us because we today
represent the voice of a nation groaning under your iron heels. The Ali Brothers
were your friends as I was, and still am. My religion forbids me to bear any ill
will towards you. I would not raise my hand against you even if I had the power.
I expect to conquer you only by my suffering. The Ali Brothers will certainly
draw the sword, if they could, in defence of their religion and their country.
But they and I have made common cause with the people of India in their
attempt to voice their feelings and to find a remedy for their distress.
You are in search of a remedy to suppress this rising ebullition of national
feeling. I venture to suggest to you that the only way to suppress it is to
remove the causes. You have yet the power. You can repent of the wrongs done
to Indians. You can compel Mr Lloyd George to redeem his promises. I assure
you he has kept many escape-doors. You can compel the Viceroy to retire in
favour of a better one, you can revise your ideas about Sir Michael O'Dwyer and
General Dyer. You can compel the Government to summon a conference of the
recognized leaders of the people, duly elected by them and representing all
shades of opinion so as to revise means for granting Swaraj in accordance with
the wishes of the people of India.
But this you cannot do unless you consider every Indian to be in reality your
equal and brother. I ask for no patronage, I merely point out to you, as a
friend, an honourable solution of a grave problem. The other solution, namely
repression, is open to you. I prophesy that it will fail. It has begun already. The
Government has already imprisoned two brave men of Panipat for holding and
expressing their opinions freely. Another is on his trial in Lahore for having
expressed similar opinions. One in the Oudh District is already imprisoned.
Another awaits judgment. You should know what is going on in your midst. Our
propaganda is being carried on in anticipation of repression. I invite you
respectfully to choose the better way and make common cause with the people
of India whose salt you are eating. To seek to thwart their aspirations isdisloyalty to the country.
I am,
Your faithful friend,
Young India, 27-10-1920

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