Monday 14 April 2014





The Youth parliament presents “Doodlers” an exclusive magazine to instill the writing skills in students. Mr.Mohan Kumar,Assistant placement officer,Mcet is the wind beneath our wings.  This would be a good media to showcase the declamations of the students. The write ups here would be a blend of  the contributor’s instincts over any issue unlike a specific pattern followed in most of the magazines and hence the name “DOODLERS”. Doodlers will be published every fortnight paving way for the budding writers to get sufficient practice and aspiration to write. We have staunch belief in gradual increase in the quality and style of writing of the writers. Literary feet is the much sought after
Dexterity even in the nexus of this technical world. Doodlers would make students realize the importance of it and prod them to read a lot and taste the art of making articles. Expecting the patronage of the stalwarts and the doyens to soar to the heights of success we launch our debut publication.
                                                                 2nd IT

The race for 543 has begun..
 Elephant, Lotus, Ears of Corn and Sickle, Hammer, Sickle and Star, Hand, clock..
guessed ??
These are the 6 valid national parties. There are 47 state parties and around 1500 claimed political parties in India. Thirty-nine parties are currently present in India’s 15th parliament. No party has won a simple majority in India since 1989, ensuring that coalitions have played a major role in legislative politics. The United Progressive Allianced (UPA) coalition, lead by the Indian National Congress, has been in power for 10 years now.

There are currently 543 constituencies in which Tamil Nadu constitutes for 39 seats. It is the longest election in the country's history, conducted in 9 phases from 7 April to 12 May 2014 to constitute the 16th Lok Sabha in India. The electoral strength in 2014 is 81.45 crores, the largest in the world. There is an increase of 10 crores newly eligible voters. This also will be the the costliest general election in the history of the country.There is also an option called NOTA(none of the other) also known as "against all" or a "scratch" vote, designed to allow the voter to indicate disapproval of all of the candidates in a voting system. In my opinion, to say shortly it is a better option rather than choosing the least corrupt. No decision has been taken about the result, in case there are more number of NOTA votes. So, the candidate who has the second highest number of votes after NOTA, will be elected. Hopefully the candidate will have this feeling that they have not won because people did not want to vote.
The facts are fascinating but the question is “will we able to select an able leader? We spend about 3 hours for watching a good movie. Are we spending at least a minute for analysing who is competent in our area to make it a better place?
Abraham Lincoln stated “ Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people”. As always let us not spend time in blaming , instead think, act and excise our right to vote properly. Alert voters are pillars of democracy and vote for a change.

 -J.Sasi 3rd ECE

 I have composed this poem in such a way that a girl foetus is pleading her mother not to kill her in the womb..

Dear Mother,
Dreams are born, not out of Compulsion;
Rather, out of Passion!
My fantasies have been dreamt already;
Give me a chance to win the reality.
I fancy to spread cheer!
A task from which I would never retire.
I am destined to abolish everything vile;
Which have been bothering the world for a while .
 I am designed to shoot out people’s greed;
Be it based on sex, colour or creed!
I will change the world’s attitude:
Spreading joy to a greater magnitude

I dream to be the Invincible:
Don’t make me Invisible;
My wings are shaping up in your Womb:
Please don’t make it my Tomb.

 Z.Khalidha Banu-I EEE


Everyone are warriors but they fight only on ”call of duty”. Each person is a racer unleashed only in “NFS”. We have detectives specialized in criminal case. All are archers and hit bull’s eye as in the case of “angry birds”. We have great footballer’s with regards to ”FIFA”.
All these have come into place to reduce our boredom and provide us pleasure. But when we look into the matter we find that people are no longer enjoying it but are now addicted to it. The concept of getting fresh air is now ancient due to which many have now become patients. We don’t degrade the fact that technological development is the backbone of the country but the happiness of our children is a huge price for it.
Gone are the days when a ten year old cried for candy as now are the days where they cry for breakups .Facebook, twitter, whatsapp etc has crept into our society slowly but steadily and are ruining the lives of all ages alike.
Due to which we  forget to talk even to our parents and forget our families and hate our friends. The internet has become our world and we tend to forget that at last we would be the only person in it.
Hatred, ego, jealousy  have become an integral part of our life. Happiness and trust have become history due to which we tend to remain dead bodies with a heart and soul.
We don’t want a downfall of technology we just want a world in which a 10 year old thinks like one. We must maintain our relationships .Get out have some fresh air and bring our lives out of the artificial world! Open your eyes and see the world behold.
“WE have seen the birth of millennium,
We have seen the death of another
We have been through the bloom of a century
We have gone through the fall of another
We were the last to play in streets
At times renowned for enjoying the breeze
Our families were big and so were our hearts,
We relied on trust and faith alone
Words like which are now anon
Will those days come back again?
Answers are a mystery which still remains….!!”

Yogesh balaji
2nd  ICE

 INDIA(1999-2000): We all were currently speaking about the MH370 aircraft from Malaysia to Beijing which was lost from the world air space. There may be a Hijack also the world believes. But most of us do know the real Hijack took place in front of our eyes in India in 1999.
Indian Airlines Flight 814 commonly known as IC 814 was an Airplane A-300  travelling fromKathmandu, (“Thribhuvan”internationalterminal)Nepal to IndiraGandhi International Airport DelhiIndia .On Friday, 24 December 1999, it was hijacked.The passengers were hoping that their travel is for just 2hours but they never suspected that it would  prolong for days. Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, a Pakistan-based Islamist group, was accused of the hijacking.
The aircraft was hijacked by gunmen shortly after it entered Indian airspace at about 17:30 IST. Hijackers ordered the aircraft to be flown to several locations. Touching the land in AmritsarLahore and Dubai, the hijackers finally forced the aircraft to land in Kandahar,Afghanistan, which at the time was controlled by the Taliban. The hijackers released 27 of 176 hostages for fuel in Dubai but fatally stabbed one and wounded several others.
India's lack of recognition of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan complicated negotiations between Indian authorities and the hijackers. Taliban moved its well-armed fighters near the hijacked aircraft in an attempt to prevent Indian special forces to perform commando operation in their land.
The motive for the hijacking appears to have been to secure the release of Islamist terrorists held in prison in India. The hostage crisis lasted for seven days and ended after India agreed to release three militants — Mushtaq Ahmed ZargarAhmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and Maulana Masood Azhar. These militants have since been implicated in other terrorist actions, such as 9/11 , the kidnap and murder of Daniel Pearland Mumbai terror attacks. Finally the hostages were released on January 1,2000 the new year day.

N.C.Aakash-3rd Mechanical

 I had a chance to read a poem written by Charles Grand John. It was the story behind it that moved me. Here is the miserable situation that made him feel ashamed of himself.
Once he was on a journey. And he saw a young chap, who would be around 25 years, entering the train. He was a kind of weird fellow with rashes, who is not educated. And he looked like a drug addict, wearing shabby clothes of poor class. Followed by two stations, a rich aristocratic family entered with two tiny boys, aged around 7 and 5. They came and sat next to this guy. The poet was observing everything as he was sitting opposite to this family and next to that ugly chap. That young guy started to bring a mood of joy by playing and entertaining the kids with his cheap mobile, making funny sounds and all kinds of noises. For everyone it looked strange. The poet thought that the guy was insane.
Within one hour, the journey ended, the two tiny boys were not ready to get down from the train because of the joy they got from that guy and that young guy realized his real position in life and he came to his senses that he could not even afford to buy a cheap toy for those kids. He dropped a tear when he got out of the train.
This scenario made the poet think that being an educated human, he was not even willing to talk to those kids or laugh either, inspite of  being  uneducated, he brought joy and affection in the kids. The poet finally concluded the poem with a question- “Is he an Uneducated Educator or I am an Educated Illiterate?”
Well, it is the scenario of the present world. Everyone is rushing towards life’s useless pleasure, missing the real happiness that life gives us. The sad fact is that, many parents of this generation don’t even find time to spend time with their own kids. Where are we heading to???

Sofia Backiya-1st CSE

 We are in the busy hustle bustle machine world we don’t have time to stay closer  with nature. But I had a chance to attend the Eco-education nature camp, which paved way to explore the beauty of our own mother land.
 The Eco-education nature camp strongly focus on native forest preservation, wildlife conservation, regeneration of the source and the importance of the divine shola forest. We were asked to stay in tents, which near entirely of new experience for me and the notable thing is that we didn’t have any electrical options there including lights, plug and everything, we used only torches and the ancient night lamp during night.
When I just entered into the shola forest, I felt like I was in my mother’s womb. The cool breeze in the air, the enchanting music of the birds, the dancing trees and the silver cascade made by soul stay there. It was like another heaven. I wonder if the dew drops loves the trees and fields, that if kisses them so gently. But just then I remembered I have come for  Eco-Education camp.
           But the present scenario is to pay for fresh air and pure water. The technological development in various field has eventually lead us to global warming. People involve in deforestation and other illegal activities only for money. But still they don’t really understand that we can’t breathe money!!!
At least now, lets nurture nature for our future!!!


 Set of complex chemical processes by which some molecular assemblies acquire special potentials, among them the abilities to get energy and matter from the environment, to move, and even to reproduce themselves. On our planet (at the very least), this process formed, thanks to a progressive increase in scale, all along millions years of tries, by means of a few basic organic bricks (the A, T, C, G "letters" of DNA) some thousands of functional patterns (called genes) along the huge helicoidal molecules of DNA. These genes code the development of specialized organs allowing all the huge organisms to move, to feed themselves, to reproduce themselves with both some long-term stability and some potential for slight change (and thus adaptation and long-term evolution), and even to treat information. Some of those organs treating information became complex enough, for some species, to allow its representatives to learn bipedal walk, to create tools, to get an articulate language, to build their own artificial universe, to evolve in it, and even, eventually, to be able to hold some sign saying: "THE MEANING OF LIFE IS TO GIVE LIFE A MEANING."so try to add a meaning to your life.





- S.JAVITH AHAMED-1ST Mechanical

Letter to Mrs.Indira Gandhi on her 13th birthday by Pandit.Jawaharlal Nehru:

Central Prison, Naini
October 26, 1930

 My dear Indira,

On your birthday you have been in the habit of receiving presents and good wishes.
Good wishes you will still have in full measure, but what present can I send you from
Naini prison? My presents cannot be very material or solid. They can be of the mind
and spirit, …. Things that even the high walls of prison cannot stop.
You know sweetheart, how I dislike sermonizing and doling out good advice ……. I
have always thought that the best way to find out what is right and what is not right,
what should be done and what should not be done, is not by giving a sermon, but by
talking and discussing, and out of discussion sometimes a little bit of truth comes
out. I have liked my talks with you and we have discussed many things, but the world
is wide and beyond our world lie other wonderful and mysterious worlds …….. none
of us need ever be bored or imagine ….. that we have learned everything worth
learning and become very wise.……But what am I to do then?
A letter can hardly take the place of a talk; at best it is a one-sided affair ….
In history we read of great periods in the life of nations, of great men and women ..
do you remember how fascinated you were when you first read the story of Jeanne d’Arc,
and how your ambition was to be something like her? Ordinary men and women are
not usually heroic. They think of their bread and butter, of their children, of their
household worries and the like. But a time comes when a whole people become
interested in a great cause. Then history helps even simple, ordinary men and women
to become heroes. Great leaders have something in them which inspires a whole
people and makes them do great deeds…… In India a great leader, full of love for all
who suffer and eager to help them, has inspired our people to great actions and noble
sacrifice. He has helped to make the starving, the poor and the oppressed free and
happy. Bapuji is in prison, but the magic of his message has stolen the hearts of India’s
millions. Men and women, and even little children, come out of their little shells and
become India’s soldiers of freedom. In India today we are making history, and you
and I are fortunate to see this happening before our eyes and to take some part ourselves
in this great drama. What part shall we play in it?
If we are to be India’s soldiers we have to respect India’s honour, and that honour is
a sacred trust…. It is no easy matter to decide what is right and what is not. One little
test I shall ask you to apply whenever you are in doubt … Never do anything in secret
or anything that you would wish to hide. For the desire to hide anything means that
you are afraid, and fear is a bad thing and unworthy of you. Be brave, and all the rest
follows …. You know that in our great Freedom Movement, under Bapuji’s leadership,
there is no room for secrecy or hiding. We have nothing to hide. We are not afraid of
what we do or what we say. We work in the sun and in the light. Even so in our
private lives let us make friends with the sun and work in the light and do nothing
secretly. ….. and if you do so, my dear you will grow up a child of the light, unafraid
and serene and unruffled, whatever may happen.
I have written a very long letter to you. And yet there is so much I would like to tell
you. How can a letter contain it? Good-bye, little one, and may you grow up into a
brave soldier in India’s service.
With all my love and good wishes.

You loving father,
(J.L. Nehru)

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