Sunday 6 July 2014




Almost two months passed since we published our last edition. Amidst the exams the entire crew ran the scene of the next edition launch and atlength we are here with it. It's hard that we have bid adios to our dearest seniors.  But then the fact that their walk of life with their visions have started makes us extremely glad. And now we are all set with the new leads-N.C.Aakash -final mechanical , Sasi Basu -final ECE and an ever enthusiastic team.The youth parliament's vision for the year has also been scheduled and we are working for the delectation of the tender feet who would join us shortly. With the words and paths shown by our ancestors a warm welcome feast has been planned and we are looking forward for our D-day.We extend our heart felt thanks to all our seniors for the support they had given us and are giving us.With all your guide lights we swear in for the year's mission.

3rd IT



Smiling may seems like an involuntary response to something cute or funny. Studies suggest that smiling, forced   or not , can have a positive effect on your mood , decrease stress levels, and even make everyone around you feel better. Studies report that just seeing one person smiling activates the area of your brain that controls your facial movement which leads to a grin. Even in bad situations, if you smile , others are likely to mimic expression. A smile suggests that you are personable , easy going, and empathetic. In fact, a study in the European journal of social psychology found that smiling actually makes you more attractive to those you smile at. Smiling even makes your immune system stronger by making your body produce white blood cells to help fight illnesses. It have found that people are more willing to engage socially with others who are smiling. It also makes you look younger. Hence keep smiling and keep on smiling……
Thank you

2nd, ECE


                  School life and college life are like salt and sugar. They look alike but differ in taste. College life moves a little farther from it.
                  At first to be considered, school life is the platform for absorbing knowledge whereas college paves the wave for broadcasting knowledge. All might gain access to college in a mindset to enjoy independence. But there occurs a twist in which responsibilities add up with it. In school you get know about the local circumstances and scenario. In college you come to know about different people from different circumstances, countries etc. thereby gaining worldly knowledge.
              In school we will be considered as kids as we don’t get to experience many situations. But in college we are considered mature and we find lot of ways to experience knowledge. Here we would be text book oriented whereas there we will be knowledge oriented (i.e.) in school we get well educated whereas in college we get well trained. We concentrate only on single textbook whereas in college we have more modes of learning.
In school, we don’t have any other way rather than attending classes, whereas in college, attendance is strongly suggested. In school we depend solely on teachers whereas in college we just use professors as our usher. We appear at school on 8 a.m. and disappear at 5 p.m. whereas in college we mostly disappear.
In conclusion, school educates us to get trained.
College trains us to be professional.
-M.Vaibhav muthu meenakshi
2nd ECE



3rd B.Tech IT


I still remember the days in the early noughties when i bore a new identity of non-professional  graduation  behind my name and had an optics of completeness towards my peers with a professional degree. My educational provider was just a platform with the materialistic aids for graduation and all the other abstract qualities to take the cake in career had to be honed by myself. But still, I had all the confidence no lesser than a ready to sale product -an engineer. I was left with only a few jobs after my M.B.A . I got a job in marketing field while my area of expertise was H.R .I was  in no plight of survival with the mere package I was offered and yet I decided to take up the task of travelling 350 kms a day, twice a week  with utmost patience only because i knew it was matter of non compensable experience for life. It was during that time, I realized that, academics had nothing to do with the ground reality. Now, after staying in the premises of budding professionals since the past six years, I find certain things missing in them to  cut the mustard.
 Nowadays, the companies are in the hunt of complete packages. They demand for an individual with strong fundamentals in their chosen domains with a minimum ability of communicative skills for survival other than his/her mother tongue, an appetite to learn and keep one self posted every time. The individual need not be a scientist; all that I would advise them to do is to have a thorough knowledge and perseverance in whatever they do. Beyond being a geek, sustainability or success in career would be a reality only if you have a good attitude & finesse. It’s very important to have your “Me Time”  to groom yourself in your fields of interest, and be a part of  some forum/club wherein you could shape up your inter-personal skills and at the drop of the hat organize and take part in events joining hands with the senior groups. Through these acts, you can expose yourself and build up confidence for effective performance later on. Students must also travel and explore the diverse culture around our nation to outweigh the cultural shock when pushed into the field work.
 In the recruitment drives amongst thousands of individuals with identical profiles the icing on the cake that would ensure your job would be your project. I firmly believe, that a project with a social cause besides simplicity would project yourself as a person with social proactiveness and problem solving ability. I could see students at times off the hook  and at times in a hurry in everything. Be it the choice of job or skill development, overnight success is just an illusion. A decade ago, an employee was just an intern when he got a job and had a gestation period to upskill himself. But today, the very first day you are a racer and not a newbie and your period of development could be only the four years of education. These stuffs are not to threaten yourself but do understand that these rudimentary things could result in a remarkable change. So, mould yourself in a constructive and steady pace and walk with the chin up and rest the butterfly of success and bliss on your shoulders forever. Good luck!

-Mr. N.M.Mohan Kumar ,
Assistant Placement officer.


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