Sunday 18 May 2014




Necessity is the need of Invention;
I guess that can be rephrased as 'Creativity is the root of Innovation.'
In order to trigger the grey cells of the YP-ians, we decided to let people occupy the dais with powerpoint presentations on weird topics-the ones which we come across everyday,but by no means give a second thought to.And as anticipated,it turned out to be a volley of creativity-with ideas detonating from all possible angles.The views of every member threw the spotlights on the verity that trifle-little things can help us empathize with the towering morals of life.Two fine evenings spent with the thoughts of the YP-ians has indubitably changed the perspective with which we viewed stuff!

Z Khalidha Banu


In the world most of us fail to answer the most simple question but it’s a million dollar question. Most leaders fail because they have not found an answer to the single most important question.
What on earth Am I here for? I am damn sure that if a person finds a solution for this , he would reach greater heights. They classify humans into two types;
1)    They just seem to be living but there  with no meaning in living their life.
2)    They  are dead but the world still speaks about them.
To fall in the second category  start carving your character at the earliest. You must have your own identity in this world. You are born as an original but don’t die as a copy. Nowadays we have to create our own identity to survive in this world. Take only an inspiration from great people but don’t be their photocopy.
“Example is not the main thing in influencing others it is the only thing”
     -Albert  Einstein.
So take an example and lead a better life.

Bhuvaneswar Ram


In childhood days we  enjoyed a lot  because we don’t  have  any tension and  responsibility .We are  running  towards job to earn money .We think only money is life but we don’t think  it is only a way to  live a comfortable life.  Making a life in enjoyable way is very easy but no thinks about it .For an illustration if we only think about our surroundings because that’s root for thinking in confined area. God gives wonderful and also precious gift on our hand.  Take that as marvelous gift and walk into the society.

                    Many of us don’t work with full consciousness. It makes an irritation to that job .Instead of that choose your job of convenience. Happiness is experienced through our soul where money doesn’t matter!

Praveen Kumar
I Mech


Everybody track record loneliness from time to time. It rolls up in many forms.  But it is home-made for many children who have no home. In our busy world we never find time to understand or figure out their troubles. Even though the isolated child has required facilities in their orphan age, they have a hankering for a mother’s lap. It’s similar to the feeling of a butterfly without wings. Petty young isolated children have all the feeling but it could not find a person to express it. They even don’t know how to behave adamantly to buy things like us; instead they express their feelings within themselves by the way of silence. 
           Almost 95% of all orphans are over the age of 5. Thousands of people struggle in their routine life because of their lackness of child. We may also look into these children .we can love and adopt a child who is not being loved. When we think that we have full security, structure of a home, parents and family and the very next day has none of these; the floor hasn’t just dropped; it has disappeared. But it was the facts to all children who are all living in orphan age .they still have a dream to get hold of a sweet kisses from their mother and father, but it lies in the hands of us, whether make the little dream to reality or as a sweet dream.



"You cannot always control circumstances but can definitely control your own thoughts"
Its hard to deny that "our psyche is the cryptic element beneath our physique".Facing gloomy days and people in life and getting influenced by those is inevitable.But how quick and keen you are to clear the skies and get back the josh in you is what makes you an optimist.People who have made history if they had given up for the trash talks of this world then, would not have been celebrated today.Why go for celebrities? Just take a child, who neither gives up nor blames anyone as he stumbles to walk.But as days go the attitude of the kid changes and is easily prone to set backs.If you really love doing a work just be determined and do it only for your own pursuit of contentment and never heed to the negative comments.Obviously,dismay awaits you.Just remember

"You can become a champion in the next round" know your mistakes,learn from it,stay committed and make attempts."

Never blame anyone" ,I mean," anyone" it includes yourself too.Facing failures that leaves a deep mark in the soul is natural.It's on our part to either make the best or worst out of that failure just as the Japanese raise up after every disaster.One such indelible wound in my life turned me into a good speaker.Keep yourself loved to positive speeches,write ups and things.Mere proximity to non-negative aspects will not work out.Put those into actions and expect not an over-night victory.Every day keep on repeating positive words to yourself believe,it really works well.A timid girl can cross a crowded bus stop just by repeating "I'm not going to feel shy!" .Sounds crazy, but then give a try in your own way.After-all, you are the master of your thoughts and actions.I found these lines interesting

"Your attitude depends on how you see a glass with water exactly half its capacity "A half filled glass of water" or " a half empty glass of water"!".

Keep the positive attitude window wide open and shape your physique as you dream.Good luck!
D Akshaya

Sunday 4 May 2014






The recent sparky baraza organised by the  youth parliament was the election awareness show  taglined as “YOUR VOTE YOUR VOICE” for the debut voters of MCET.The show was in full spate highlighting the importance of voting as well as the features of this 2014-longest election the world has ever witnessed. We began the show with an impressionistic discourse on the 2014 elections by Sofia Backiya of 1st CSE followed by a mime act depicting the facade of our democratic set up.On the bounce,Khalidha Banu of 1st eee spoke on the necessity of voting.Shanthini of 3rd ece glimpsed on “How to choose the right candidate ?” after which Sumrudhah of 2nd eee mentioned the special features of this electoral process. Yogesh Balaji of 2nd ICE infact gave a sneak preview on the impacts of NOTA option which has got a position at the last in the electronic voting machine.K.K.Anand kumar of final eee and Aakash.N.C of 3rd mechanical gave a holistic speech on the episode’s motto.Finally I read an oath to have probity in exercising our right to vote.The entire show was anchored to fab by Sasi of 3rd ece.Atlength the show was a redolent one amongst the spectators.

2nd IT

Self-Improvement-the key to success...




“Stand up! Be bold! Be strong! Take up the whole responsibilty on your shoulders! Know that you are the creator of your own destiny.All your strength and success is within yourself.Make your own future!”
-Swami Vivekanandha.

Vineet Kumar –a veteran actor, was a person who started his career as a mere artist.Initially he did comic, negative and character roles.Like everybody he too had a turning point in his life when he realised that he has to improve himself.He joined IPTA and with his hardwork and determination, he became famous.He could succeed in life because he realised that he should improve his standard of life. This is an illustration to elaborate that success comes to only those who realise the importance of self-improvement through hard work.
Remember that you are the controller of your mind.Believe in yourself.Even our own shadow is not trustworthy as it disappears when darkness comes.In today’s competitive world, there are many opportunities.But our success depends on how we utilise that.
·        Never think that anything is impossible.
·        Stay away from gossips.
·        Keep your temper under check.
·        Fill yourself with positive thoughts.
One can achieve all this when he is self-sustained.
Some great people mention that their success would have not been possible without some particular person.For example, the ex-president of our country stated that the people behind his success were Subrahmaniya Ayyar and Soloman Appar-his teachers.But remember that you are totally responsible for your victories.If you think someone else is responsible for your success, then that victory is theirs; not yours!
Your near or dear can act only as a ladder to help you climb up.It is you who should reach the peak!
 “Great people don’t do different things-they do things differently!”
Every one is born with talents.The difference is how we use it.
I would like to conclude with a quote from John.F.Kennedy:
“All of us might not have equal talent.But all of us have equal oppurtunities to develop our talents”
So work hard to improve yourself!
 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration yields success!

Reshma N
I year IT.


 Alcoholism is a widespread problem in India.This is especially true in the case of Tamil nadu.Tamil nadu is facing a serious threat in the form of alcoholism.All the community of people are getting adversely affected due to alcoholism.The survey reports that students are getting addicted at the age of 15."Does alcoholism provide any benefit...?" The answer is No. It acts as a hindrance to the growth of our country.Though it seems to be profitable it brings more amount of social loss than that of economic profit.It also causes severe health problems.People by consuming alcohol, lose their individuality.This alcoholism not only affects the health of the individual but also their family members.Women getting beaten by drunken husbands often occurs in our state.Children are also getting adversely affected.They will easily get diverted.
The most affected community is students.College students are getting addicted to alcoholism.College administration should take nessecary steps to control alcoholism.Strict rules are to be implemented. Government should take nessecary steps to ban alcohol.
There are certain remedies to control alcoholism.They are
1. People are to be properly educated.
2. More number of awareness programs should be conducted.
3. Students should not be provided with alcohol.
4. Medical counselling is to be given to alcohol addicts.
5. In addition to the all above mentioned solutions self discipline is the most important solution.
So ban alcohol and lead a peaceful life!

SivaPrasad R
I year EEE



Are the women in present-day India safe?
Are they able to live freely without any fear in their minds?
Nobody is in a position to answer this.One of the major social issues which is prevailing in India is the safety of women in our society.
In each and every field,we find that women are discriminated based on gender.Women are not even provided with equal rights with that of men.God created men and women equally.But in our society,we find that men are always superior to women. Women created men.Women are being worshiped as goddesses and we find that many rivers, countries, etc are named with feminine names.
India gained independence in 1947.But Indian women have not won it yet.Right from a 6 year old child to a 60 year old lady repent being born as a girl at some point in their lives.
But even today, in the backward areas, women are blamed for giving birth to a boy child, but the scientific and medical fact states that men’s chromosomes determine the gender of the baby. Even in the womb of a mother, a female child is not safe.Even though prenatal sex-determination is banned, many people do it illegally.And if it is found that the foetus is female, the baby is aborted.
Is there a solution to all such problems which the women face each and every day, hour and second of life?
First of all, the total mindset of the people should be changed.People should understand that women have every right to dream, aim and achieve! Women have improved themselves from schools to spaceships! So, Respect Women!
Stricter rules must be enforced in the society and proper action must be taken against all those criminals against women.
Women must be given proper education both on academic fronts as well as self-defenses.
Women exist in men’s lives as a mother, a sister, a friend and so on! Respect them!
A nation is considered independent only when a woman is able to walk on an isolated road with full jewellery on her, yet without any fear!
Respect women!

Varsha KS






We the literate people of Indian community can understand very well that there are millions of beggars in our respected country who deserves everyday for the basic necessities like food at least twice in a day, clothes to cover because they are unfortunately born unlucky. Mostly, they will be lying down on the roadsides with their arms stretched towards us or the beggars will be with hand child gently knocking the vehicle windows for coins with a belief that we will drop them something. As this statics of undeserved keeps on increasing, the facts which adds fuel to the fire are some cruel beggars give heroine or alcohol to the cute hand child to remain asleep, few make the cute to cry and few rob the new born fresh buddies from hospitals to use for begging just to make money to survive. For instance, I am continuously noticing a this kind of woman in a bus stand for the past 3 years and she could earn 50-60rs per day because she appears pity and so by now she could have earned 55,000rs (approx) but we are not sure that every single rupee was spent for her since it has a share to the brutal agents too. A solution for this worsening fact can be by providing beggars with direct snack packets even may costing 10-20rs instead of coins since it cannot be misused. So, let us donate them something other than direct cash and if some demand us only money, please let us neglect this condition. Few may think that getting snack for them is difficult but if we are determined,it is possible. Herewith, Task’12 from final EEE kindly requests everybody to make the new kind of practice as a little part to make India shine.

-Anand Kumar.K.K

Kopimism- A religion made for piracy...


Well, how about that? While there are countless number of religions thriving to exist in our planet, trying to plant, no offense, but stupid beliefs into people’s mind, there is this one particularly unique religion - kopimism, a religion made for sharing information. I, in my own personal opinion, think that this is a great central theme for a religion. We all know that there are various religions which have their own deities and superstitious beliefs, and about how they end up. They always result in quarrel among the people of different religions, casualties and whatsoever. People today, are tired of this nonsense; they need new trendy things to follow; they are in thirst of experiencing something new. That’s when kopimism came into existence in the society. It’s a religion mainly focusing on copy-paste piracy promoting policies. Kopimism was started in Sweden. Of course, it had lots of oppositions and hurdles, but it crossed all over it and is now an officially recognized religion, and registered by Swedish’s legal , financial and  Administrative Services Agency. No Kidding! A religion that promotes piracy and also legally supported by a government? I would die to become a member of such community. What if I said that there is a church for kopimism? Yes, they actually do have one and its “spiritual leader” is Isak Gerson, a 20 year old Swedish. He found the church of kopimism. They actually have some kind of vows like, “the pursuit of knowledge is sacred, the circulation of knowledge is sacred, the act of copying is sacred”. I sometimes wonder whether these guys are being sarcastic or serious. Their common enemy is “copyrights” and their motivation and aim is to ban copyrights in order to provide free information to all.
Their views on sharing information is absolutely correct to my senses, because the only way a knowledge can survive is by being shared. Information can be forgotten unless it can be copied. But all that copyrights does is limit the information that we hear and letting people live on a lie. The leader was denied by the government in having any relation with the illegal file sharing website, The Pirate Bay. Kopimism doesn’t deal with any beliefs, Gods, afterlife, it just deals with raw facts, information and the ways of sharing them. It  doesn’t deal with humans and the sins that they’ve committed but it deals with the digital world. Its logo is based on the shortcut keys for copying and pasting that is being used in the windows operating system – ctrl+C and ctrl+V. The members need not meet each other in a physical room but through online websites and servers. Well, at least they are using an “Up-to-date” technology in order for meeting up to the requirements of the modern world. The only way to stay as a member is by sharing any information, may it be vital or normal ones. All you have to do is think that copying is a sacred act. One of the advantages of being a member is when you get hands on some vital information, you can share it with others as you wish. No one can stop you from copying it.  That information can be of anything, may it be a game or a movie or an OS or an info about some secrets of a government, that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you share it.
Well, we don’t need to worry about that. We are in fact all Kopimists as you are well aware of what we do in file sharing websites like Torrentz, Mediafire, etc.. and we don’t need a church to promote it !!

   1st cse